This book was written by my good friend Dick Edic, is designed to provide you, first, with the reasons and motivation to implement a church stewardship & generosity ministry. You will need that motivation because it is a lot of work!
It then tells you how to get started. It is practical, straight forward, and challenges you to go through a possible paradigm shift in thinking in how to really resource your church vision. Dick, with over 20 years of experience in church stewardship and generosity ministry training and implementation provides here a comprehensive guide, with selected resource material, to help you succeed. His passion has been to help God’s people become free financially, walk more intimately with the Lord Jesus, and grow in generosity. And as a result of that generosity, both Dick and I want to see your church be fully resourced so that it, along with many others, can fund the Great Commission, reaching the world for Christ.
May God bless you and convince you to follow through with the teaching and motivation this book provides. And in years to come may you see a wonderful growth of your congregation in becoming better managers of what God has given them and more generous givers of that bounty.
Pastor Brian Kluth
*Supplemental Resources Included
The supplementary content provides additional resources to expand your on-going efforts to implement a stewardship/generosity education ministry for those people under your influence, as well as donors to your church or ministry.
May God bless your efforts...